...and perhaps that I am; however, as simple as I may be, I have in me the core beliefs that are the very fabric of the REAL America. I get it. I was raised right as rain. To my parents: Thank you for that.
Some libtard Obama suck up by the moniker of Center Square or some shit says this among other things over at my buddy
Cmblake6's blog. Right funny joke (in the blog post), too...at least I thought so.
"In fact, it is remarkable that he [Obama] managed to stop the recession dead in its tracks and turn around, with essentially no change in the deficit."
Wait...what? And there was more...much, much more.
Yeah, I sort of went off with the somber strings of America the Beautiful singing in he background. Ok, so that's a little melodramatic, but I was a little puffed up to say the least. I ended up hijacking his (cmblake6) comment section with the following. I hate it when I do that. But then there were a few others doing the same. I had no intentions of doing so, but it is what it is, I suppose.
Somehow I think you've forgotten something...like the truckload of expenditures that Obama has put off to the next president. Your mathematics are as flawed as those of the CBO and the rest of the remedial course flunkies in Washington.
Remarkable is what Reagan did to inspire capitalism and not just stop Carter's blunders.
Running over seas to every subversive and troubled nation in order to throw America and her people under the bus is not remarkable.
Spending hundreds of billions of alleged stimulus monies on marsh mice, lobsters and [bald eagle killing] wind mills is not remarkable.
Cherry picking Obama supporting states for selective stimulus funding is not remarkable.
Sending monies to fake districts that do not exist is not remarkable.
Losing $350 billion of TARP monies is not remarkable with little other explanation than the bailing out foreign banks.
Penalizing those who have learned to succeed by supporting the US economy via job growth is not remarkable.
What's truly remarkable is that this idiot president has ANY support in spite of the monthly increase in jobless claims, the increase in racial divisions within America, the increase in the amount of Americans who will pay no taxes at all, the security threats against our home land security due to wide open borders, the infiltration into our government and our society of the very socialist ideology that generations of Americans have fought and died to prevent abroad, etc. The list goes on and on.
What's remarkable is that there are so many Americans in this country who have yet to understand how this same progressive mind set will land the entire United States of America in the same latrine that many of our states like California, Michigan, etc. are currently finding themselves.
What's remarkable is that the last time the conservatives held congressional power, the unemployment rate was...4.9%. Then the Democrats took over in 2006.
Yes, I place all of the current recession at the feet of the Democrat's socialistic ideology from which the "moderate" Republicans were so spineless that they could summon up little more than to raise a thimble full of token resistance.
Our greatest generation is leaving us and with them the true values that made the United States the envy of every eye from every foreign square foot of real estate around the world.
What are we doing to thank them for the sacrifice they made and the examples they set?
We are throwing them and their values away without so much as the salute that they rightfully deserve. In fact, we are destroying their hard earned pensions and retirement savings in order to give it away to those who choose not to participate in the America that made us great, but rather the America that prefers the protests of "what about me" over patience, perseverance and hard work.
Center Square...YOU (and people like you) are what's wrong with this country.
EDIT: added the following...
His response:
Exactly my point. Thank you, Grackle. Can (some in) this group drop the pretense that they accept the legitimacy of this presidency? You don’t. Have the courage of your convictions. Just say it.
My response in his blog:
Your initial accusation in cmblake6′s post was, first of all, inflammatory by design. Secondly, you failed to notice the date and assumed that the implied result of the storyline was by assassination.
If your assumption, in response, was that I favor such actions, then you are mistaken.
Further, if you assumed that I favor the US Military to involve itself, there again, you are mistaken. These are fears, not desires.
It must only be by the people’s voice that he is stopped. When 60-70% of the people say “no” and government ignores them, then therein lies the possibilities for radical recourse. As I said, this is my fear and not my desire.
Dude, I accept his legitimacy as president as he was elected under Constitutional Law. I haven’t a clue whether his birth in this country is true or not, but it doesn’t really matter to me at this point.
I do not accept…
The radical appointments, and subsequent approval by a puppet Congress, of unqualified personnel to cabinet posts.
The unconstitutional appointment of various czars given similar powers as cabinet members without congressional approval.
The buying off of members of Congress by promise, accusation and threat.
Encouraging Congress to circumvent Constitutional Law to smash through dangerous and careless legislation for little other purpose than to leave a destructive mark on this country by, and I’m fairly certain of his goals here, economic racism.
The legitimizing of illegal aliens for the sole purpose of winning the next election. (Just wait, this one will most likely become the next step in our undoing.)
The backdoor deals, the blatant lies and manipulation of US law.
But mostly, the attempts to criminalize the people’s rights in his attempts to ignore, destroy and render weakness to the first ten amendments to the US Constitution.
He was elected, as far as we know, legally under the same US Constitution that he seeks to ignore, render useless and quite possibly destroy.
THIS is my objection. What you liberals fail to understand is that this president’s reign will end and the next president will rule under the same manner. Your kind will object mightily without considering that it was your kind that allowed it to persist.
You reap what you sow…and the pendulum will swing the other way.
Sadly, we are witnessing our own demise, if we don’t rise up and find a way to stop this nonsense.
His response:
@ Grackle: “These are fears, not desires.” I appreciate that clarification. I share your fears, as I think is abundantly clear. Whereas you see the fears arising from the actions of the president, I see them arising from extremist rhetoric. Thanks again.
My response:
It’s cause and effect, don’t you think?
Ignoring the people propagates civil unrest. America has had riot after riot over the last 250 years over the same sort of “wronged” proletariat.
Government, especially, BIG government can not mend the mind set of its public when the proletariat is responsible for funding such a beast.
When does big government overtake the ability of the masses to fund it? Is the objective to rid us of the private sector all together? What then? Soup kitchens, bread lines?
I can only look at where this appears to be heading. Sooner or later another riot of epic proportions is eminent. Why? Well, it’s not like America hasn’t seen a riot on some level every five years on average, because we have.
Under the previous administration, the left feared and violently (Seattle, WTO) protested the notion of one world government. Now they apparently support the very one who is trying to lead us there.
Does any of this make any sense to you?
My fears are that the next riots won’t be local. They will be national and simultaneous and in every city across America.
The Kent State shootings will look like a minor disagreement by comparison.
Look at recent riots in Denmark, France, Greece, etc. to illustrate the human psyche, regardless of left or right wing affiliation. Side with big government as you see fit, but do not blame the citizenry for reacting to government’s mistake in disregarding the will of the people.
And likely, it will end there, because he won't release my comments for public viewing. Only his response. Of course, if I ran a liberal blog and riled the constitutionalists to the point of response, then I guess I'd censor the rebuttal, too. Actually, I wouldn't. I'd post them whether I was in the right or wrong.
Personally, I think the dude is short in his thinking and is probably scurrying about trying to find himself or trying to find an appropriate rebuttal, since he's big on attempting to turn my words into his words in claiming such non-sense as "exactly my point."
I'm done with this jackass.