The Whirly Bird Whirls at Midnight

Grackle has been a busy dude, lately. Much of it unnecessary, but busy nonetheless. Included in the mayhem; a knass-tii viral attack on the office machinery during an obscene week of work obligations, dart league playoffs (and I am in the finals), the death of a friend's family member, a rather upset domestic room mate and I am sure there is more chit that escapes me during this all-nighter occupational effort.

Hopefully, by the end of this day, the corporate obligations will have subsided for a day or so and I can send up an account of a couple of truly odd encounters from this week.

I also had some plans for a photo essay featuring a Battle of the Slugs, but we are supposed to have the annual war rains and thunder storms. I suspect that should keep me indoors and away from yard work...just when I was beginning to enjoy it.

Back to the task at hand.


  1. Um, read ya soon, and take care of the roommie. That can be a rather prickly situation!

  2. And good luck in the dart finals!!!!

  3. She's ok, now. She was just feeling a little ignored form all the work and dart playoff activity.

    Thanks for the well wish. I'll do what I can to win.

    Oh, and happy Independence Day, Ms. Aggie.


Your point being?