I'm Gonna Open an Artery Over This Sort of Lunacy Some Day...But I'll Settle for a Rant

According to KTVU television website, which is somewhere in California, a Morgan Hill, CA high school is embroiled in a Cinco de Mayo controversy and wouldn't you know, the perps are white bread patriots doing nothing more than wearing American flag tee shirts. They were approached by the school authorities and told to either trun the shirts inside out or don't return to class.

Being the bad little Americans that they are, they refused - as they should have done.

Apparently, it is illegal for Americans in America to wear patriotic colors on a Mexican Independence Day.

"School officials at Morgan Hill's Live Oak High told those students they would have to either go home or turn the shirts inside out. The reason, students told KTVU, was that school officials were concerned the shirts would trigger fights on campus."

As we all know, it is a crime to be patriotic in America on a day when another country celebrates its own independence, right? Because it is "incendiary" and could incite violence. Although, the patriot kids say this.

“We knew it was Cinco de Mayo. But we just came to show our flag. We didn't mean anything by it. We didn't want to start anything. Nothing like that.”

And this...
“They said we had to wear our t-shirts inside out and then we could go back to class and we said no. It would be disrespectful to the flag by hiding it.”

And this...
“He said quoting the administrator 'If you wear it on any other day, it’s fine; but just because it's today you can't wear it. His exact words.”
Meanwhile, the Mexican students were saying things like this...
“It's just kinda disrespectful that they would do that on this day. I mean, we don't go around on 4th of July wearing red white and green and saying ‘Viva Mexico,’ because that's disrespectful.”

And this...
“I think it was kind of going overboard with the suspension, but it's also kind of disrespectful because it's our day.”

Although, there was one student of Mexican heritage, but born American in America had this to say...
“I have no problem with them wearing their Mexican stuff, their Mexican flags,” said Maciel. “I just thought I'd show my pride. American pride.”

So, of course, the district administration issued a written statement saying this...
“The district does not concur with the Live Oak High School administration's interpretation of either board or district policy related to these actions."

How far have we come that we have to temper our American patriotism within the borders of our own country? Is this a way of the liberal butt holes to try and force the good Americans to match the liberal embarrassment of our country? I say this, because when I see stories like this, I sort of do have a feeling of embarrassment. I am embarrassed that our idiot "leaders" and supposed role models have such a twisted mind set that we have to tippy-toe around foreign national's (naturalized or other wise) feelings.

Fuck that, amigo. This happens to be AMERICA. I'm sure, if you want to wear your Mexican colors in Mexico, no one would complain. In fact, go do just that, because as far as I am concerned, if you want to be an American, then fucking act like an American.

If you are so proud of your Mexican Independence then why the fuck are you in America?

Celebrating Cinco di Mayo in America is insulting to me as an American. Why the hell do we put up with people of any country celebrating their independence while in America and then claiming being disrespected because Americans do little more than act like Americans?

If I were the parents of those patriot students, I'd have planted my boot up someone's ass.

I've about had it with all this buillshit.

Rant: Off

FYI...Pajamas has more, here.


  1. Tomorrow they should wear F*** Illegal Immigrant shirts. At least they'll be sent home for a reason then.

  2. Here, here...

    ...that or a side arm.

  3. Lemur King had the best take:

    1) You are either Mexican or you are American

    2) Get your damned flag out of my country

    3) If you want my respect, have some respect for my nation and my flag – and see #2, above

    Love that.

  4. Now, them words are worthy of a billboard...a big one...or a hundred or two.


Your point being?